NH Republican Presidential Primary

ballot2New Hampshire- Republican Presidential Candidate Donald Tump bounced back from his second-place finish in Iowa, as he took the victory in the New Hampshire Republican Primary. Trump received thirty-five percent of the votes, nineteen points ahead of Ohio Governor John Kasich.

Trump held his celebration party at the Executive Court in Manchester, where he went on to thank the people of the Granite State.

 “New Hampshire I want to thank you, we love you, we are going to be back a lot. We’re not going to forget you, you started it, remember, you started it.”


Kasich finished at the bottom of the Iowa Caucus, registering just under two percent of the vote. In New Hampshire, the Ohio Governor saw his numbers rise to sixteen percent. He said that his positive message from the one-hundred town hall meetings he did across the state were the reason for his success.


“Let me tell you, there is so much that is going to happen that if you don’t have a seatbelt, you better go get one,” Kasich said. “We are going to shake this country from top to bottom.”


Florida Senator Marco Rubio on the other hand had a poor showing, as he finished in fifth place with only eleven percent. Rubio surprised many with his third place finish in Iowa, giving him momentum heading to New Hampshire. However, his showing in the GOP debate on Saturday night may have cost him big in the primary.


“Our disappointment tonight, it’s not on you, it’s on me. I did not do well on Saturday night, so listen to this; That will never happen again.”


Texas Senator Ted Cruz had lower numbers in New Hampshire after winning the Iowa Caucus. He finished in third with twelve percent of the vote. After he congratulated Trump on his victory, Cruz spoke of who the true victor was in his eyes. 


“The real winner here tonight is the conservative grass roots,” said Cruz.


Former Florida Governor Jeb Bush finished just behind Cruz with 11 percent, and said last night that his campaign is “not dead” and they are going onto South Carolina.


Finishing in sixth place was New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, who discussed what the results showed about the G.O.P field. 


“Winning is never easy, and nobody is ever given a victory. The New Hampshire Republican Party has spoken very clearly, that Mr. Trump is their preference in this election.”


Rounding out the last two spots were Carly Fiorina and Ben Carson. Carson decided not to speak last night, but Fiorina took the stage in Manchester. There she made it clear that her campaign will continue besides the low results yesterday.


Next up for the Republican Presidential Candidates is a debate on Saturday night, followed by the South Carolina Primary on Feb. 20th. 


Early polls show that Trump has a commanding lead in South Carolina, and is followed by Cruz and Rubio.