New Assisted Living Project

assisted living projectBRADFORD - A thirty-two room assisted living facility is the topic of conversation in Bradford. The new development is planned to be built above the Park and Ride, and would cost nearly $6.4 million.


Residents voiced their concerns with the development at the Act 250 meeting, as well as when they were sight-seeing today.

Act 250 is a law passed in 1970 designed to lessen the effects of a development through an application process; which addresses the environmental and community impacts of a project that exceeds a threshold in size.

The law states that a Disctrict Environmental Commission must review the development using 10 criteria that are designed to protect the environment, community, and the character of the state.

The residents that showed up had concerns about the development that fell under 3 of the 10 criteria. One of which was that it would cause light pollution, falling under criteria 8, stating: "will not have an undue adverse effect on aesthetics, scenic beauty, or historical sites."

Another major concern is that it would cause traffic, which falls under criteria 5: "will not cause unreasonably dangerous or congested conditions with respect to highways or other means of transportation."

And the last of the major concers was the water runoff, which falls under criteria 1: "will not result in undue water or air pollution."

But Bernard Chenete, an engineer for Enhanced Living, Inc., already had a sollution for this concern. "The water basically slows into the pavement, it's a pretty unique design but it's been used throughout the country now, and even in harsher climates like this, it does work," said Chenete.

The meeting that occured today was one of serveral that will be leading up the the accusition of a building permit. If the permit is granted, then the construction will being as soon as possible.