ST. JOHNSBURY- Fifteen St. Johnsbury Academy students have become award recipients through the Vermont Scholastic Art and Writing Awards. There had been 35 regional art awards all together between the fifteen students. They had received ten gold keys, nine silver keys and 17 honorable mentions. The gold keys will be judged at the national level of the competition.
The students will be among 26 other schools in the State of Vermont. The students all seemed enthusiastic to win and they all had different forms that they do. The students do a lot of sculpting, painting, photography and drawing.
One student even mentioned sewing as a form of art that he does through a fashion class. They all have different interests in the type of work they do as well. One of his favorite types of art is sewing and he also loves to draw as well it releases his stress. He had mentioned how he is proud of what he does and thoroughly enjoys when others take recognition in his work. He likes to think of his work as messages he sends to others depending on his mood.
"My favorite is probably fashion, just because that's what I've always done since I was younger. I always knew that I wanted to something related to fashion so when I am sewing that's where my element is, I am in my element and I am concentrated and I am happy. But also drawing relaxes me especially when I have a lot of stress. I just go to my room or when I am in class I just draw whatever is on my mind and it releases my stress." Said St. Johnsbury Student Patrick Nkubito.
Some students had been very surprised that they had won an award because they didn't think they would quite make it. One girl in particular had just started doing art in high school for a class and she had really enjoyed photography.
"I was actually really, really surprised, I submitted the pictures with no intention on winning. I knew that all of my friends were submitting and I didn't think that mine was up to par with theirs so I was really, really surprised and honored to be winning the same rewards as my talented classmates." Said St. Johnsbury Student Marion Ely.
One student mentioned how she has a passion for bones. She had begun this passion by seeing the insides of a coyote. She also had a passion for drawing in particular she had been drawing for most of her life.
"I saw a coyote go through decomposition and since then I have been collecting bones especially in the past two years and I found that I really wanted to work with them through my art and so I had started to paint and carve on bones and I find that it's a really nice medium to work in." Said St. Johnsbury Student Rachel Fickes.
Their artwork will be displayed in the Brattleboro Museum and Art Center from February 17th through March 10th. The museum is open daily from 11 am to 5 pm for people to view their art work. There will be an award ceremony in Brattleboro on March 10th at 12 pm that will determine whether these students will move onto the National Art Competition.