Taking a Walk Down Wheelock Way

wheelockwayWHEELOCK - As the seasons change, so do our hobbies. From snowmobiling in winter, to mountain biking in the spring, The Wheelock Way wants to cater to your seasonal activities.

Audrey and Paul Tomasi have purchased a 10-acre lot and are in the process of renovating it to a four season lodging and catering establishment. While the project won't be complete until December 2014, the family already has one cabin fully up and running.

"In order for it to be the home away from home experience that we're hoping it will be, it has to have a piece to go with each season," said Audrey.

Right now they're beginning the winter season, and plan to serve as a grab and go food system. The goal is to allow snowmobilers to leave one trail, stop in and take some food, which will be pre-packaged, and go off to the next trail. "The idea is to have it be quick, hot, and simple," she said. They have named the building "The Lodge", and it is expected to open December 22 and will run 3 days a week.

Once the snow melts and spring has sprung, they will be focused on the mountain biking crowd, and the completion of their "skills park". After a long day at Kingdom Trails, they can either relax by the fire pit or go mess around in the park.

For some money is tight, with that in mind the Tomasis will allow visitors to also have the option of bringing their own tents and camping out on the property, Audrey says, "you can pretty much find any type of accommodation here in your price range."

While at Wheelock Way, they want you to feel and see the beauty that is Vermont; which is why they do their best to keep everything local. The food they serve will be local, most dishes personally made by Audrey herself, as well as all staff on site, and contractors helping build up. "While it's supposed to be a vacationing spot, I really hope the community will use it as well," she says. After getting that Vermonter feel from the community, all that's left is to see the beauty. It has been made a point by the family to "not mess with the integrity of the land", as a lot of wildlife walk through the property. They also don't want to disrupt the quiet peaceful area.

For more information you can find them on Facebook.