VERMONT - Governor Phil Scott announced he filed for, and will be seeking re-election Thursday. He is looking to, and hopes to gain votes from Vermonter's in August and November. Even as normal times continue to be a work in progress.
VERMONT - During the Governor's Wednesday press conference, he indicated that the virus remains very slow spreading in the state. One of the big announcements the Governor Phil Scott had, is the hope to enlarge groups gathering from 10-25 come June.
Read more: Governor Phil Scott Looks to Further Vermont's Re-Opening
VERMONT-The state is anticipating a surge in electrical use this summer as people are expected to continue to work online, and remotely into the Fall. However, the state hopes to be able to meet the necessary electricty demands, that they are being asked of.
Read more: Electricity use Plans to Peak This Summer Amid COVID
VERMONT-Governor Phil Scott said he will continue to re-open Vermont in phases-from his press conference today. Vermont is still on Phase 1, of 3 phases. Fairgrounds, and fairs will not open this season. However, the next steps of re-opening the state will include the re-opening of hair salons,churches, and farmers markets.
Read more: Governor Phil Scott Continues Phase 1 of Opening Vermont
Vermont-Last night the Vermont Advisory Commitee to the US Commission of Civil Rights hosted a web conference, to share their findings and reccomendations on their recent committee report-Disparities in School Disipline in Vermont. The report found that students of color, and students with disabilites are significantly more likley to face disiplinary descrimination. The committee discusssed what they could further do to combat this.
"Our studies have found that Vermont students with disabilities are a third times more likley to be discluded in school activities, and students of color are twice as liked to be excluded as well," stated Curtiss Reed-Commitee Chair.
"Our studies also show that Vermont has some of the highest rates of emotional distess in students, and that our 'zero tolerance' approach to exclusion isn't working, and we need need re-think of how to improve this," continued Reed.
This study has also shown that moving distruptive students into detention, and expoltion-is negatively impacting them, and their learning process. The committee is looking to get teachers involved in proper training, of handling students in distress or disciplinary issues.
"We anticipate legislature will take note of our findings, and work with our advocates to better these racial and emotional disparities. We hope to establish relationship based programs for teachers, so they can identify how to properly discipline a student with a disability, and understand racial bias," stated Reed,
These teacher programs are not yet established, but the Committee has said they understand what needs to be done, to further the improvement of vulnerable students in Vermont.
VERMONT - The arts and humanities around Vermont have taken quite a bit of a hit within this COVID world. Shows, and showings continue to be canceled this summer for theaters and cinemas. An online webinar brought nine Vermont Arts members, and owners together to discuss the future of keeping the Arts alive in Vermont.
VERMONT - Congressman Peter Welsh held a Zoom Webinar with Superintendent of Kingdom East School District Jennifer Botzojorns, and FCC Commissoner Jessica Rosenworcel on Monday evening, on how to close the broadband gap for people who live in and around the Northeast Kingdom and Vermont. Parents and Teachers of the NEK, were also in attendance.
VERMONT - Governor Phil Scott is working on allocating federal funds into care packages for businesses, that were hit hard by COVID. Scott plans on using 400 million in funding of the 1.3 billion the stte will receive in COVID relief money, and he is looking on where businesses need these funds the most.
Read more: Governor Scott Allocates Federal Funds Post COVID
VERMONT - Mondays press release from the Vermont Department of Health on COVID-19 showed that Vermont currently has no new cases as of Sunday. However, this does not mean Vermont has 'flattened the curve'. There are still some things and procedures Vermonter's should be following. Governor Phil Scott still urges Vermonters to follow his 'Be Smart, Be Safe' model until June 15th as welll.
VERMONT - While the state of emergency and the stay home order is still extended to June 15th-the state is currently looking on how they'll begin to open up state parks. They hope to begin opening some on June 1st.
ORLEANS - Attorney General TJ Donovan and Orleans County State Attorney Jennifer Barrett will be hosting a virtual expungment clinic Friday from 10 am to 2pm. An expungment is when criminal records, and convictions are wiped cleaned-and dismissed. This happens after a certain period of time has elapsed. This usual happens in a court room too, but in light of COVID- the expungement state task force has decided these new means.
Read more: Vermont Attorney General to Hold Virtual Expungment Clinic
VERMONT - With broadband internet use in high demand with stay at home orders and COVID-19 the state of Vermont is looking to broaden its accessibilty to broadband.
PEACHAM - Thursday night a Zoom meeting was held by Peacham's Historical Society members on how to preserve things during this COVID pandemic-so historians will have the chance to look back and see what happended.
VERMONT - At today's press confernence briefing Governor Phil Scott pledged to begin with re-opening parts of the state-but explained how a full reopen of the state, will not be until June 15th. People should still follow the CDC social distancing protcols until then.
Read more: Governor Phil Scott Extends Stay at Home Order to June 15th
VERMONT- Community Engagement Labs are hosting online meetings in order to look towards the future in arts.
Even people from out of state have signed up as Vermont spearheads the conversation of what the arts will look like after quarantine.
VERMONT - A meeting of the Clean Water Board was held Wednesday afternoon to discuss the updated SFY20 Clean Water Fund Budget. Along with the establishment process and timeline revision for the SFY21 Clean Water Fund Budget.
VERMONT - Governor Phil Scott's Friday press conference hightlighted just how Vermont will begin to re-open the state in the coming week, and childcare was a big topic on the agenda as re-opening begins.
VERMONT- Today, Governor Phil Scott clarified a couple of issues that Vermonters are expecting to hear more about in the next coming week. While the details were sparse, the administration is still looking at how Vermont will operate as the state slowly re-opens some areas.
VERMONT - This week is Teacher Appreciation week across America, and this year it has become more meaningful than ever, as teachers undergo the ultimate duty to transform lesson plans and make them compatible with a virtual platform. It has been especially difficult in the NEK where not everyone has connection or at least good connection to the internet.With distance learning in place, the bar has been raised for teachers to continue to provide the best quality education as possible, this has been no easy task, but many parent-teacher organizations have made it happen.
VERMONT- Over the weekend, Governor Phil Scott and his task force announced Farmers Markets could re-open with strict physical distancing guidelines.This comes as the Governor’s task force announced Vermont is past its peak for active COVID-19 cases, now sitting at 886 positive cases and 51 deaths.
Read more: Re-opening Becomes Big Topic at Governors Briefing
VERMONT- Spring is here and with the warm temperatures and longer days. Young animals also start to make their appearance. Although you may see young animals and think they need help, picking up young wildlife is against the law.
VERMONT- After an easy winter for Vermont Deer, the Vermont Fish and Wildlife Department has released new regulations for deer hunting in 2020. The Fish and Wildlife department has gone back to a one buck annual limit.
VERMONT- The Vermont Historical Society will be holding their fifth Vermont History Trivia Online event tonight at 7:00 pm. The topic of tonight’s trivia game will be Famous Vermonters.
Read more: Vermont Historical Society Offers Wednesday Night Entertainment (And More!)
VERMONT- The term "Social Distancing" was a big key topic at Governor Scott's press briefing on Monday as the Governor and his task force would like to see the public not use the term social distancing but now physical distancing.
"The last thing we want social distancing to create, is social isolation. So if we can just be cognisant of physical distancing and trying to remain socially connected, I think that will be far healthier for us all," said Commissioner of Health Dr. Levine.
Read more: Physical Distancing Becomes New Term at Governors Briefing
VERMONT- In his second press conference addressing the timetable for Vermonters getting back to work, Governor Scott brought with him good news and a stern message.Vermont health officials have stated they have seen the peak number of cases in the state and will allow certain workers to get back to work within specific guidelines.