Sodexo Benefit Changes Delayed

sodexoVERMONT - Sodexo announced earlier this year their plans to change their definition of a full-time employee due to the federal Affordable Care Act. However, those plans have been thwarted. University of Vermont President Thomas Sullivan made an announcement Friday, saying that Sodexo's benefit changes have been delayed.

Sodexo is currently contracted to 26 places throughout the state, including the University of Vermont, the Vermont State Colleges, St. Michael's College, Champlain College, totalling up to 1000 employees under the food service in Vermont. Sodexo's changes to their definition of "full-time" would cause most of Sodexo's employees to lose their benefits, including sick leave, paid vacations and health care.

Under Sodexo's current definition of full-time, an employee is considered full-time if he or she works 30 hours per week for six or more weeks during each quarter. Under their new definition, employees must work an average of 30 hours per week over a 52-week period to be considered full time.

Sodexo's proposed changes have caused an uproar, especially on UVM's campus, where a petition has gathered hundreds of signatures. Sodexo's changes would go into effect on January 1st, 2014.

According to Sodexo's public relations manager Enrico Dinges, employees who will lose their benefits will receive an increase in wages to conpensate for their losses in benefits.