2013 Flu Season

flu shotVERMONT - In 2010, millions of people in the United States contracted the flu virus. It was recorded as one of the worst breakouts in 40 years. This year health officials want more people to get their flu shots so that this virus can be controlled.

Daniel Jernigan, the Associate Deputy Director of the Center for Deisease Control's (CDC) Influenza Division said, "The CDC have recommended universal influenza vaccinations. This means that all persons, 6 months and older, should be vaccinated."

Carl Eisenbiegler, RPH for Kinney Drugs in Lyndonville said that in Vermont flu shots can be given to those 18 years of age and older. He also said, "Try and get your flu shots before Thanksgiving." Eisenbiegler told us that when people hold off their shots until after Thanksgiving, and then they start traveling and seeing family, the virus spreads around. It is also a good thing to get your shot before Thanksgiving because later in the flu season there is a rush when people start to get the flu and vaccines start to get scarce.

With this recommendation, hopefully this flu season fewer people contract the flu virus, and more people will get their shots early, helping vaccinate people before the virus gets too widespread.