Around the NEK - Vermont has been ranked as the number one state with the most accessible voting for the second year in a row. The ranking was done by Ballotpedia, a nonpartisan online encyclopedia of American politics and elections.
The report ranks all fifty states in terms of access, quality of information, and response speed. The total amount of possible points to receive was 50 and Vermont received 49.
LITTLETON, NH - A small turnout of voters showed at the polls in New Hampshire yesterday as people casted their ballots to vote on the races for governor, U.S. Senate, and seats 1 and 2 for the congressional districts.
Around the Northeast Kingdom- To be President of The United States you need to be 35-years-old. Now, there is the Sutton man who is running to get a seat in the House of Representatives in Vermont that is only 19-years-old.
LYNDON- Residents in New Hampshire and Vermont hit the polls on Town Meeting Day, but not all elections are the same across the states. In the Town of Monroe, New Hampshire, the town held an election for selecting a town clerk.
CONCORD, NEW HAMPSHIRE – Candidates from both parties have packed up their campaigns in the Granite State and headed for warmer weather. Tuesday proved a wild ride for the Democratic Party, whose “establishment candidate” in Hillary Clinton lost by over 22 percentage points to Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders.
New Hampshire- Republican Presidential Candidate Donald Tump bounced back from his second-place finish in Iowa, as he took the victory in the New Hampshire Republican Primary. Trump received thirty-five percent of the votes, nineteen points ahead of Ohio Governor John Kasich.
PLYMOUTH, NH- Hundreds of supporters, protestors and students got together at Plymouth State College on Sunday to attend a rally for prominent Republican Presidential candidate, Donald Trump.
LACONIA, N.H. - Republican Candidate for President Ted Cruz headed to the Beane Conference Center in Laconia New Hampshire Thursday night. He spoke about views to around 150 people. Polls show the Granite State has Cruz in third place behind Marco Rubio and frontrunner, Donald Trump. This makes a steep climb for anyone to try and come out with the win. But it is a climb that Cruz believes he can make, even though he thinks that the media does not support him.
LEBANON, N.H. – With the New Hampshire primary looming just around the corner, New Jersey governor Chris Christie is traveling through New Hampshire feverishly in order to bolster support ahead of Tuesday’s vote.
HANOVER, NH – Following a disappointing performance in the Iowa caucuses, republican hopeful Jeb Bush quickly turned his sights to New Hampshire. Jeb’s fourth and final stop of the day yesterday was at the historic Hanover Inn, located on the Dartmouth College campus.
PLYMOUTH- After earning just under two-percent of the vote in Monday's Iowa Caucus, Republican Presidential Candidate John Kasich hosted a town hall meeting in Plymouth, New Hampshire on Tuesday night.
CALEDONIA COUNTY- Although he is on his way out as the St. Johnsbury Town Manager, John Hall has been elected one of the two seats for Caledonia County Assistant Judge alongside Incumbent Roy C. Vance.
VERMONT- Jim Condos and Beth Pearce will remain in the capital as both won their respective races by large margins.
NEW HAMPSHIRE- Democrat Ann McLane Kuster was elected to the House of Representatives District 2 after results were collected from last night's election.
BURLINGTON - It's two more years for Incumbent Democratic Congressman Peter Welch after a landslide victory in last night's election.
CALEDONIA COUNTY- Incumbent Dean Shatney defended his position as Caledonia County Sheriff in last night's election.
BURLINGTON- William Sorrell will remain Vermont's Attorney General as he will return for his ninth term after winning the Attorney General race last night.
ST. JOHNSBURY - Repbulicans Scott Beck and Janssen Willhoit unseated Democratic Incumbents Bob South and Michelle Fay in a close contest last night.
NEW HAMPSHIRE- Maggie Hassan will now be looking forward to serving a second term as New Hampshire State Governor.
NEW HAMPSHIRE- With only one seat available in the United States Senate for New Hampshire, Incumbent Jeanne Shaheen took the seat once again.
CALEDONIA COUNTY- Jane Kitchel and Joe Benning will remain in the state senate after winning yesterday's elections. Democrat Jane Kitchel received 45 percent of the votes and Republican Joe Benning received 35 percent of the votes.
ST. JOHNSBURY - One by one voters made their way out to the polls to make sure that their voices where heard. Voting in St. Johnsbury kicked off this morning at 10 a.m. at the Father Lively Center.
VERMONT- The Lieutenant Government Race is almost done for this election season and three candidates, incumbent Republican Phil Scott, Progressive/Democratic Dean Corren and Marina Brown of the Liberty Union, are running for this position.
St. Johnsbury- Daniele Kostruba and Incumbent Dean Shatney are the only two candidates left in the race to become the Caledonia County Sheriff. Independent candidate Joel Pierce has dropped out of the race.
NORTHEAST KINGDOM- Lisa Warren, Incumbent State's Attorney, is running unopposed for Caledonia County this election day.