Candidate Forum Bring People to St. J

stjforumSt. Johnsbury- With statewide elections right around the corner, the town of St. Johnsbury held a forum for candidates.  Locals made their way to the St. Johnsbury Athenaeum to meet the candidates running for the Vermont House of Representatives.


The event was held as a forum where each candidate had an open discussion where they all give there own opinions and stances.  This is different from a debate where the candidates contrast their stances.

Four of the five candidates were present last night to discuss there plans to lead the community. One of the major topics of discussion was the carbon tax which Republican Candidate Janssen Willhoit does not supports.

“I do not support the carbon tax,” Willhoit said.  “I’ve been very clear on that throughout the summer.”

The event was being hosted by Business and Professional Woman of Vermont.  Ann Moore a member of the organization, felt it was important for people to watch this event.

“Sometimes with debates it’s more about personalities and arguments and so forth,”  Moore said.  “Last night people were able to present there approach, their plans, their proposals as leaders in the house of representatives here in Vermont.”

With the Election being a little more than two weeks away, Moore thinks it's important to know the stances each candidate has.  

“We had an opportunity to hear from the candidates, I want to be in a position where I am really neutral and ready to see how aligned each candidate is with my positions.”

Karen Bufka who is a member of League of Woman voters analyzed these statistics and noticed a decrease in the number of voters the past few years.

“In 2014 you know mid-term election in Vermont was bad,”  Bufka said.  “41% came out.  This will be a big turnout, but don’t you think we want everyone who can vote, to vote.  Don’t you think it works better that way?"

Both Bufka and Moore agree that it’s important for you to cast your vote, whether it’s early or on election day.  For more information on the candidates you can go to for details.