Plane Crash Training

mock plane crashWHEELOCK- After the recent plane crash in Hyde Park, Vermont, State Police as well as local fire departments and EMT's all participated in a mock plane crash scenario Monday evening.

EMT's and Fire Departments from Sheffield-Wheelock, Sutton, East Burke, and Lyndonville attended the training exercise accompanying the Vermont State Police department.


Mark Brown, the Sheffield-Wheelock fire chief, coordinated the exercise and held it at a family friend's residence on Wheelock road. The family whose residence was used for the training scenario participated in the training exercise by acting as the by-standers during the crash or pretending that they were passengers that were injured in the crash.

With clever coordinating, officials who attended the training exercise did not know what to expect coming into the exercise thanks to the curveballs that were thrown into the situation. Brown was particularly pleased with the performance and how the EMT's and firefighters handled themselves when unexpected scenario's arose.

"We threw a bunch of things in there that they weren't ready for. You know, the bombs, and the drugs that were in there, and some of the people that were high and it went really well. They did a good job," Brown said.

One EMT, Tom D'Ambra of Lyndon Rescue, wanted to reassure residents that the EMT's and firefighters in this district are a group up and ready for any task.

"We have a lot of very talented, very well educated and trained personnel throughout the fire and EMS in this district, make use of us, because we're there to help you," D'Ambra said.

While there aren't many training exercise held like this one, Brown said that the coordinating of this exercise could not have come at a better time for the surrounding departments.