Wheelock Town Hall

wheelock townie hallWHEELOCK- Standing for 144 years, the Wheelock town hall is in need of almost $200,000 worth of repairs. Officials are now searching for grants to repair the building on a strict budget.

Since it was built in 1871, the town hall has served as a place for town meetings, family gatherings and as a shelter in emergency situations. All of which are reasons why the repairs are important to the community. Some of the areas that are a cause for concern among town officials and citizens are the lack of accesibility for handicapped individuals as well as a saggy roof once the heavy snow begins to fall.

 Carol Rossi, the Town Hall Project Coordinator as well as other town officials will be holding a public meeting to discuss this project on Saturday, November 28th at 9:00 A.M. Using a strict budget with these repairs is in the towns best interest according to Rossi, who recongnizes that increasing the tax rate would only hurt the town. "Our community can't afford to just pay for a new garage or a new town hall. We're going to need to seek a lot of grant help, a lot of support and any kind of donations or help," said Rossi. Rossi plans to discuss the project as well as field questions to the public during their meeting.

S-WHEELOCK TOWN HALL.transf from NewsLINC on Vimeo.