Lyndon- Is being almost a year since Lyndon has had a planning administrator.
The last person to be the planning administrator for the town was Nicole Gratton. She resigned from the position in late April. Throughout this entire time, only one candidate applied for the job in September, but no further progress was made. Planning Commissioner Robert Little pitched the idea to create a joint planning administrator position for Lyndon and Saint Johnsbury in November. This would help offer a higher salary and recruit people with experience to apply for the job.
''Currently, I don’t think the position is something that one person could handle – planning in both towns. We in St. Johnsbury, are very happy to see the growth happening in our town, and it has been keeping me very busy on both the Zoning and Planning sides of my position,'' Zoning and Planning Administrator for Saint Johnsbury Matthew Walsh stated.
As of right now, the idea hasn't been discussed with the town of Saint Johnsbury.
''I believe that Lyndon may have been throwing the idea out there – to potentially propose something to St. Johnsbury – and it ended up being put into the Caledonian Record as something that was more “set in stone” rather than “a simple thought/idea”," Walsh stated.
Without a planning administrator, Lyndon town officials haven't been able to move forward with their plans. The Zoning and Planning Administrator were one position until September of 2021 where they divided the jobs into two positions. The plan was for the Planning Director to focus on the economic development of the town.