DANVILLE- It's that time of the year again town meeting time, Here is the break down for Danville.
This year there are three big bugets being voted on as well as many positions up for election/ re-election in the town of Danville. The positions were filled by the following, E. Tobias Balivet as Moderator, Michelle LeClerc as both Town Clerk and Treasurer, Eric Bach as SelectPerson for 3 years, Glen Harron and Allison Low as SelectPerson for 1 year, John Blackmore as Town Lister and Ed Ledo as Delinquent Tax Collector.
The three major budgets passed in the town and school district. The first being Article 24 which would give Danville a general fund budget of $1,797,736.58 with a vote of 367 in favor and 134 against. The second is Article 25 giving Danville a highway budget of $2,161,155.66 with a vote of 388 in favor and 112 against. Lastly Article 5 being the School Budget of $8,304,073.00 narrowly passing in a vote of 256 in favor and 243 against.
There was also a lack of younger voters and attendance at town meeting which has been on the radar of the Danville town board.