DANVILLE - Halloween was able to live on in the town of Danville due to some clever thinking of residents.
The Danville trick or treat trail was held from 2:00 PM until 5:00 PM on Halloween. The trail was a one-way circuit around the town to over 50 households that were socially distanced while giving out candy.
Halloween decorated contractions were used to dispense candy while maintaining more than a 6-foot distance. Participants of the trail were sent around a one-way trail so they wouldn't have to cross paths on their way around.
The trail had an enormous turn out shocking residents as to just how many participants there was. Danville resident Linda Tasker even had to make a run to the store to get more candy. "The turn out was crazy. We started the night with oh around 300 pieces of candy and I still had to scramble to the store to get more."
The Trick or treat trail was hosted by the local girl scouts and Lori's Jammin Daycare.