DANVILLE- One local man is asking for the public’s help to honor those who have lived their lives in the “Scouting Spirit”. Danville resident Dave Towle is asking for the public to donate any old memorabilia they might have from past scouting days.
These items will be put on display in a traveling Scouting museum. “We are collecting uniforms, patches, pins, neckerchiefs, slides, documents, and other memorabilia to preserve for the next generation to see,” says Towle, who will serve as the curator of the traveling museum.
“Vintage uniforms are a rare find and they can be memorialized on life-size mannequins. They were worn with pride and will be displayed with the dignity and reverence that they deserve. Patches, pins, and other items will be arranged in large display cases that can be folded up and transported safely,” Towle explained.
Towle was inspired to start the traveling museum after hearing first hand what happens to a lot of former Boy Scout’s belongings. “After hearing that someone threw away 6 boxes of their grandfather’s scouting stuff I knew I had to do something. Too much of our Scouting history is being kept in our dusty attics. Unfortunately, a lot of it gets thrown away for lack of interest.”
“It was my wife, Shelley that convinced me that now is the time to get the ball rolling,” Towle explained. Fortunately enough, the COVID-19 pandemic has benefited Towle because he had more time to sit down and start planning the traveling museum.
Towle isn’t alone on his journey to starting a museum from scratch. “Several Scout Leaders around Vermont have contributed to this project. People in the community hearing about it have contacted me and offered items that they treasure and want to see it go to a good cause.”
Towle says the museum will initially start in Danville. “Since I live in Danville and the display cases are being made here and it's easier to put things together in Danville. Later on, as the inventory and exhibits get larger we will look for a physical location.”
There are already ideas in the works on how to make the museum mobile. “We want to renovate a trailer for traveling purposes and displays will be set up on tables, like a home show,” Towle said.
The hope is to have the museum on exhibit at local, district, and council Scouting events, according to Towle. “Eventually, we want to get it the general public at home shows, fairs, and other public gatherings.” Towle also hopes that the museum can be sustainable by donations. If there ever were to be a fee to see the exhibit, those 18 years of age or younger will be able to get in for free.
“We want to honor those that have lived the Scouting Spirit to inspire the younger generation of Scouts by looking at the history of their hometown heroes.”
Modern uniforms that are donated to Towle will be cleaned and given to current Boy Scouts in need. For more information on the Scouting museum and how you can help out, you can reach Dave at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , or by phone at (802)-535-4968.