CONCORD- Tonight students at the Concord School will be hosting a national wide event, the Empty Bowl Dinner. This dinner is a way to help spread awareness on hunger in our country. Parents and community members will get a choice of seven different soups and have the opportunity to bring home a handmade pottery bowl.
Seventh grader Ava Holycoss says, "the empty bowl dinner is where students can have their families can come and sit together and just have one big dinner with their family. You could even have your grandma or your aunt, you could always just come over here and have a big dinner with them."
The students in Kristen Huntington's art classes have been preparing for the dinner since November at the beginning of the trimester. "It's a true learning based project, so they're doing everything from making the pottery bowls to planning what soups, to cooking the soups, and then to serving. It's a really neat project because it gives them real life experience and it gives them a lot of satisfaction."
The Farm to School program plays a large role in the success of the dinner each year providing all the money for the groceries needed, "Farm to School was internal to this." Adding that without the program they wouldn't be able to do any of it.
All donations from the dinner go to Sids Pantry, a food shelf which sends food home to children each week. Student Kayla Sline says it's a great feeling to be able to give back.
"It makes me feel happy because we get all this amazing stuff here at this school and it helps people who don't have as much, like as much as we do and it makes me feel happy that other people are getting stuff."