CONCORD - The Concord elementary school has just recently received a new playground, and teachers and kids are feeling both excited and fortunate.
“So we used to have a big old trailer here which was used for different things and we were so fortunate to get this beautiful play structure,” says Concord elementary teacher, Jane Eliot.
Fifth grade student Dominik also offered his opinion: "The trailer I thought... wasn't a good idea. And this, I thought, was probably the best thing they've ever done, and the best thing ever."
This was made possible by a generous donation from the Guildhall School. Which is much appreciated, maybe even more so by the teachers.
"I just kept crying because they (the kids) were so excited to have such a nice place to play," adds Eliot.
Now that the kids have more room to play and a proper place to spend their recesses, this has the potential to contribute to more success in the classroom. Many people feel the new playground just sort of fell into the elementary school’s lap, but they are all glad that it did.