Concord Town Clerk Resigning

ConcordClerkCONCORD: For the last 19 years the town of Concord has had the same town clerk, but this year that will be changing. Donna Berry has held this position but now she will be stepping down.

Berry stated that she is resigning due to personal reasons, that she saw had a life changing experience and quickly took action by renouncing her title. She added that if she had not been as quick to act she would have been able to follow through with her term. 

"What will I miss most? The people. I love the people of this town. They were extremely welcoming and patient with me from the beginning when I was learning. They're just wonderful people here in town. That's what I will miss the most."

The currect town treasure Andra Girouard will be taking the position as town clerk until August when a vote for a new clerk can be made. However, if someone was to want the position now they could petition for a vote. Berry cautions anyone thinking about running an election because of the cost of running for office. She also adds that having someone appointed now until August will make sure everything goes fine with the help of the Assistant Town Clerk Cynthia Gaboriault who has been helping Berry for the last three years.

"I just really want to thank the people of Concord for voting me in as much as they did. It'll be 20 years in January. I've just really grown up in this job, and it's been a wonderful job. And I just really want to thank the tax payers and voters of this town for allowing me that opportunity."