Steps Closer To Concords Fate

concord schoolCONCORD-- With just one day left residents of Concord are just waiting to see what will happen to the only high school in their town. 

 On Saturday, residents met at the Concord School gym to talk about the fate of the high school portion of the Concord School. The school has three parts to; an elementary school, a middle school, and a high school. The town has been voting for years to get rid of the high school while keeping K through eight at the school. With both sides very passionate about what they were voting on, there was barley any moments of silent from either sides.

One resident from the town, Cynthia Stuart, a graduate of Concord school, is for the closing of the high school. Stuart came to the meeting with an email that she exchanged with the Vermont Secretary of Education Rebecca Holcombe. Stuart read parts of their email to the crowd, in the email Holcombe stated that in the next few years, small school would be closing because the numbers will be against them. At the end, she was rewarded with applause from those voting for the same thing.

"I feel the world has changed, and there is more opportunities available at schools right around us. You have to evaluate quality and cost of education."

When asked for a comment from others who were for the closing of the school, no one else wished to comment on their opinions. Many said Stuart was kind of like the spokes person for everyone.

While it did seem like only adults were on the side supporting the closure, a mixture of both parents and students came to let people hear their voices on why the school should stay open.

"I am learning how to learn," said nineth grader Abby Yong, "and I just think that they should keep the school open because of us. It's not all money, they should think about the students."

"I was a former student at the St. Johnsbury Academy, and I have nothing against it, because I am still taking tech classes there." 11th grader Tiffany Allen stated. "I transferred here first because of sports, I am really athletic. And I thought that being in a smaller school where I knew everybody I would get a better education."

Only one student during the meeting spoke up and seemed to be the voice for the student body. She spoke about her experiences and why she wanted to keep the high school open.

"This is my third year here, and so far I have learned so much," said junior Nicole Young. "Not just from the academics, but from the teachers. All the experiences and the opportunites to step up."

Young's mom, Jaye Young, also spoke at the meeting. She has had six kids already graduate and go on to college from Concord, and still has two children in the school.

"My children have gone through the school and they have all worked very hard. They have gotten the support that they needed. But they came out with an understanding that it's up the them to succeed."

By the end of the meeting it seemed the town was split in half between voting for the high school to close or keeping it open. And once the vote closes on Tuesday many people will be holding their breath until the vote in released.