In Need of Restrooms

inneedofrestroomsBURKE - As Burke Mountain is set to expand, East Burke is looking to prepare for more visitors.

One sometimes overlooked, but crucial necessity for visitors is playing a key role in the preparation.

Read more: In Need of Restrooms

Santa Making Stops in Burke

santa visit pic BURKE - Over the weekend a popular character made a visit to some boys and girls. 

For the 5th year Children came to the Kerrigans's Convenience store in West Burke to give hints to Santa on what they wanted for Christmas this year.

Read more: Santa Making Stops in Burke

Lack of Snow Didn't Stop Racing

snowmobile picBURKE - Officials were able to wave the green flag for snowmobile racing at Burke. As warm temperatures melted most of the snow earlier last week, colder temperatures helped track workers make snow all day Thursday and Friday for the East Coast Snowcross race which kept track groomer Bob Pawlowski busy.

Read more: Lack of Snow Didn't Stop Racing

Burke's Season Opener a Huge Hit Despite Delay

burke thumbBURKE - Burke Mountain delayed their opening in late November due to unfavorable weather and mountain conditions. This past weekend marked the earliest that Burke Mountain has ever been opened.

Saturday contained ideal conditions, with snow coming down at a good rate for skiers and snowboarders to hit the slopes.Sunday however, was not as ideal.

Read more: Burke's Season Opener a Huge Hit Despite Delay

Meals and More for Burke Seniors

seniormealBURKE - At the senior meal sites, which are in various locations across the state of Vermont, seniors or anybody else can receive a great meal. At some locations, however, much more then a good meal is offered.


Read more: Meals and More for Burke Seniors

Burke Receives Sidewalk Grant

burkesidealksEAST BURKE - The town of East Burke may be seeing some sidewalk improvement this coming spring, due to the $420,000 grant that was awarded to the town.


Read more: Burke Receives Sidewalk Grant

Hunters Meet for Breakfast at the Crack of Dawn

hunterBURKE - People from across the Northeast Kingdom flocked to bazaars and luncheons all across the area this weekend.  The Burke meal site volunteers have spent months preparing for one of their biggest events of the year, and the board members and volunteers were up before the sun to prepare for the first part of their event, which was their Hunters Breakfast.

Read more: Hunters Meet for Breakfast at the Crack of Dawn

Burke's Snow Guns A-Blazin'

SnowmakingBURKE - Burke fired up their recently purchased snowmaking system for the first time this season Tuesday evening. The million dollar upgrade to the equipment includes new snow guns as well as a 800 horsepower electric compressor they have named "Marge."

Read more: Burke's Snow Guns A-Blazin'

Ski Swaps Helps Ease an Expensive Sport

ski swapBURKE - Avid skiers and riders can tell you that skiing is a very expensive sport, especially when it comes to buying equipment. Ski swaps are a great way for not only vendors to sell their equipment and clothing, but also for skiers and riders who want to get rid of skis and boots that may not fit them anymore. The Burke Town Parent Teacher Organization(P.T.O.)  held their own ski swap this past weekend that benefited the P.T.O itself as well as the Village Sport Shop.

Read more: Ski Swaps Helps Ease an Expensive Sport

Local Bikers Ride the Rhythms

Ride the Rhythms

BURKE - As mountain bike season ends, Kingdom Trails has begun to think about their transition to ski season. As part of this, Kingdom Trails will be holding their 9th annual Ride the Rhythms fundraiser this Saturday at the Tamarack Grill in East Burke.

Read more: Local Bikers Ride the Rhythms

Two Mountains, One Price

Burke PassesBURKE - Another expansions development has come from the purchase of Burke Mountain by Jay Peak. The two mountains have now released a season pass that will work at both ski areas called The Judge.

Read more: Two Mountains, One Price

Burke Looking to Go Green

burke solar panelsBURKE - Many people are looking for new ways to go green. In a time where everyone is looking for ways to cut costs, the town of Burke is hoping to become more energy efficient.

Read more: Burke Looking to Go Green

What Will Burke Look Like?

burke announcementBURKE - After an avalanche of information Thursday traveled from Jay Peak all the way down to Burke Mountain, Friday was spent digesting Thursday's big news. Four new lodges at Burke! 150,000 people per year! But what do these numbers - and the grand plans that accompany them - mean for residents of the Northeast Kingdom?

Read more: What Will Burke Look Like?

Face First into Business

FaceFirstBURKE - Steve Mahon started designing his own winter face masks to keep himself warm as he groomed the trails at Burke Mountain. Now in his third year of production, Mahon's hobby, which he started to keep himself warm on Burke Mountain, has evolved into Face, Mahon's own winter face mask brand.

Read more: Face First into Business

Bike Season is Rolling Out

bike season

BURKE - As the leaves change and the nights get colder, more and more people start asking, "When will winter start?" The employees at East Burke Sports are wondering the same thing. Now is the time of year when East Burke Sports, and many other sports stores, start switching out pedals for poles and make the transition from bike shop to ski shop. As ski season opens, the stores are hoping to see the same success they had during bike season. 


Read more: Bike Season is Rolling Out

More Snow for Burke

Snow MakingEAST BURKE - Burke Mountain is taking new ownership to a whole new level with new snow guns coming to the kingdom.


On Tuesday crews were working on the 140 new snow guns that arrived late last week. The snow guns came to Burke from Wachusett Mountain in Massachusetts and are being prepared for installation.

Read more: More Snow for Burke

Walk and Roll Day

Walk and Roll Day in BurkeBURKE - Burke Town School students hit walk and roll day in full stride.

Read more: Walk and Roll Day

Time for Turkey Hunting

HuntingEAST BURKE - Youth Turkey Hunting weekend is right around the corner, and at Rick's Gun Shop, guns and hunting tags have been flying off the shelf.

Read more: Time for Turkey Hunting