BURKE- It was all smiles at the Ian Muller Rail Jam at Burke Mountain Saturday. The Rail Jam is a fundraiser that is put on through the cooperation of a couple of clubs over at Northern Vermont University - Lyndon(NVU).
The fundraiser is for a scholarship fund for student veterans who are attending NVU. Participants had the option of raising some sort of money or just making a donation to ride some rails for a good cause. The jam, which is student run and coordinated with Burke Mountain, would not be fully possible if it weren't for the work of the Veterans Association, MEISA, and the Ski and Ride Club from NVU.
Sam Miles, a participant in this years rail jam, was out there riding with a purpose and giving it his all. He said, "You know, it is going to a good cause and is a lot of fun to take part in, so I figured why not." Miles has participated in years past and said "It is an event that I look forward to each year, and is always a good time."
Joe Kelly, another particpant in the rail jam, "was not planning on entering in the rail jam this year," but while he was skiing down he "made the decision." Adding that "since it is going to benefit someone, why not have some fun while your at it."