Competition For a Good Cause

Rail JamBURKE- Sports don't always have to be about competitiveness, having one team or person come out victorious over others. Sometimes the sport is just the median for a good cause.


The Muller Rail Jam is the good cause, snowboarding and skiing are the sports. Even though mother nature hasn't been kind to the local mountains this year the rail jam will prevail. It won't be as easy as other seasons where snow is an abundance.

The event is named after a student veteran Ian Muller who lost his life overseas. This year's rail jam will be the third annual, which helps support student veterans at Lyndon State College. People who compete in the competition will pay a fee to enter and the proceeds will go to the scholarship, which is handed out to a student veteran.

The struggle for this years event is the lack of snow and in the previous weeks the warm temperatures have not helped. Many who do not ski or snowboard may not think the event will not happen, but students working the event do not have any doubts.

"They have been pumping a lot of snow at the base," said Greg Glann one of the many Mountain Recreation Students at Lyndon State who will be working the event stated. "Because they have pumped so much snow hopefully they will have enough to work with. We should have more than enough to work with."

The rails will be strategically placed right above the lower quade express line. There will be different styles of rails along with different jumps feeding onto these rails where competitors will compete in different categories. They will be judged on the tricks they do and the difficulty of them. Winners have the possibility to take home anything from a gift card to a brand new snowboard, all of which have been donated from local businesses.

Glann expressed that "At the end of the day it's not about the winning's, it's bringing people together for a good cause and giving people a good time."

After last years event having so much succes everyone is hopping that it can continue this year. The rail jam will be this Saturday March 12th at the Q Burke mountain.