Next Trick Brewery

BARNNWEST BURKE-  Hill Farmstead Brewery was rated by consumers from as the best place in the world to get a beer for the third time in four years. But soon, they may be facing some local competition.


The owners of Next Trick Brewery want to begin renovating an already existing facility off Route 5 in West Burke into a seven-barrel brewing facility. They are currently finalizing their permits through Act 250 which monitors how development impacts the community and environment.

Along with brewing the beer, Next Trick will also have a tasting room for visitors.


Saint J Brewery opened recently inside the Green Mountain Mall. Owner Scott Salmonsen says he is in favor of new breweries coming to the area because of the beer industry being unique.


“I think the more tourism, excitement, tours and visits we can generate the better,” Salmonsen said.


Darcie McCann, the director of Northeast Kingdom Chamber of Commerce, says that there is an increase in the number of businesses starting up in the community.


But operating a brewery has some challenges. Salmonsen mentioned some of the struggles of owning a brewery, such as keeping the beer at the correct temperature and making sure you have the right space for viewing. But according to Salmonsen, the customers won't be a problem.  


“The community’s been really great,” Salmonsen said.


The Next Trick Brewery plans to be brewing and pouring by the end of this summer.