Bradford To Celebrate Quarter Millennium

bradford qtrBRADFORD-The town of Bradford is set to turn 250 years old this coming year. The towns' people and it's surrounding residents could not be more excited to help celebrate and prep for the big events that they have planned.

Monica Evertt, who has lived in Orange County her whole life, said, "The community seems to be really excited about what is going to take place next year... it seems like there is just a little bit of a different atmosphere at events this year."

The town designed a special signature stamp... one that cannot be used to mail anything, but rather as something they have been using as the logo for the event. It has gone on everything-- from t-shirts to pamphlets. The town designated a "Bradford's 250th Committee" to help co-ordinate and plan the year's coming events.

The first festival will start with a Winter Carnival on January 30th. The first event of the festival will be a "Chili, Chowda, and Cake" event at the Bradford Fire Department. As for the summer event, it will be called the "Summer Strawberry Festival," which will be held in late June. Last, but not least, many Vermonter's favorite season will be highlighted in the fall with a Harvest Festival.

The town is still looking for folks to help organize some events, as well as help with the activities on the days of the events. If interested, you can contact Larry Coffin at 802-222-4423. The planning committee has also asked for any and all businesses to take a photograph that will be placed in a "Book of Memories." This way, in 50 years, the 300th planning committee and the community can look at what took place 50 years before.

The events and plans for the entire year are endless. There will also be a play involving the town's past and multiple clean-up days to make sure the town stays clean all year round.

For more information on the years coming events you can contact 250th Celebration Committee Chair Meroa Benjamin at 802-222-9621 or email her at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . And as for Evertt, she said she "couldn't be more than ready for January 30th as she plans on entering her mother's old style chili recipe."