Agape Hill Farm's Newest Member

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LLAMAHARDWICK - A local farm cares for multiple animals, including llamas. Agape Hill Farm, located in Hardwick, is where they say you can learn something new and have an adventure to remember - no matter your age. "Agape" is greek for the word love, and the farms mission is to brighten those who visits day, using their animals.

 This statement stands true for a local six year old boy, Colby, who is a friend of the farm. Colby comes to help by giving tours of the animals, and in return, is able to put a smile on everyone's face.

"I like it because these animals are really fun and truthful" said Colby.

In addition to giving tours, Colby assists with basic farm tasks, like collecting eggs. "We always get eggs from the chicken coup, we already got one or two this morning, and now we have four," said Colby.

 The farm is known for it's animal therapy, and invites schools, families, and groups to take a tour. After all, you may even get Colby.